Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turkish Fun Facts

While working on a change of address card to send out, I came across some cool facts about Turkey:

~Istanbul has been designated "The Cultural Capital of Europe" for 2010

~The official state flower is the tulip, and it was Turkey who first gave tulips to

~Turkey is the birthplace of 2 famous saints: Paul, and Nicholas. That's right-Santa Claus was a Turk!

~Noah's Ark is traditionally thought to be buried on Turkey's Mt. Ararat

~Though thought of by the world as a Muslim country, Turkey is actually a secular state with no official religion.

I am sure we are in for a lot more interesting information as we get to know our new home. We can't wait to start exploring!


  1. And don't forget that since you're on a U.S. Air Force base, you can get mail with regular postage, no need for anyone to have to do international mail for all those care packages they'll be sending you!
