Tuesday, October 25, 2011

About A Boy

I remember it like it yesterday.  Laying on the cold table in the ultrasound room and staring at the monitors.  It was time for the big reveal.  "See that?", the nursed asked.  I knew what that was.  I was going to have a boy.  Ryan grinned.  I stared blankly at the that and thought about what mothering a son would be like.  I was scared.

Being a girl, I always wanted a girl.  I know girls.  I grew up with a sister only.  She was the mother of a baby girl at the time.  This boy thing blew my mind.

Fast forward 3 years.  I am a total boy's mama.  I love building train sets and racing cars.  I have learned the names of various construction trucks and their jobs.  We like to find frogs at night on our walks and jump in mud puddles after it rains.  He is just such fun.

This post may seem random, and it probably is.  It might look like it has absolutely nothing to do with life in Turkey.  It is, however, an example of how God gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.  I am so glad he gave me my little boy.  And I am beginning to be so glad that he has also given me Turkey, even though it was not what I wanted.  I am starting to see it may have been just the thing I needed.

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